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Vacation time in August? Tips on how to plan vacation time.


Vacation PlanningWhen is a good time to cast your lines and go? Tips on planning a vacation.

Planning a vacation can be stressful, and yet we dismiss the importance of time away from work. Taking a vacation to enjoy time with family and friends is helping your business.  Rejuvenate yourself with new energy for your business!

1. Leave when you’ll be missed the least.

Most businesses involve some kind of seasonality. Maybe your major clients or customers take off in August. Maybe you foresee downtime between major software releases. Identify a week or two when your services won’t be in high demand — that’s a great starting point for planning your vacation.

2. Start with smaller breaks.

If getting away for an extended period of time doesn’t seem realistic right now, start slow with smaller chunks of time — a few long weekends, for example, and ideally, you’ll discover that everything won’t fall apart the moment you disentangle yourself from the office.  Bizy Biz Virtual Assistant is only a phone call away. We can take care of any important task that need immediate attention while your out of town, as well help with tasks you were not able to finish before leaving on vacation.

3. Make sure there’s enough prep time.

No one wants to be caught off guard, including employees and clients. Enjoying a smooth vacation requires thoughtful collaboration and advance planning. Details can be worked out with Bizy Biz Virtual Assistant on how to handle matters in your absence, for example, customer and client management, priority tasks and non-urgent side projects. Call Bizy Biz Virtual Assistant to help you with last minute tasks that seems to come up just before leaving on vacations

4. Set clear expectations for communications.

Let everyone know what to expect from you while you’re away. Will you schedule a daily/weekly call to check in? Will you have access to email, and can people expect a response each morning/every week until you return? Who should contact you, and under what circumstances? When setting expectations, remember it’s always better to underestimate your availability and be more available than originally planned.

5. Prioritize your break.

In most cases, there’s never a perfect time to break away. And if you’re a solo-preneur or running a very small business, any time off may lead to lost business opportunities and sometimes, that’s okay. Consider it just another cost of doing business. Recharging, avoiding burnout and being your best are more important than remaining available 365 days a year.  If you want to head to the beach with the family in August or go sailing in San Diego and attend a concert at Humphrey’s in Point Loma while on a sailboat in the harbor, make it a priority.

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